7 Ways to Stop Bullying
There is a good chance that the child in your life is being bullied in some way.
Indeed, 1 in 5 children in the United States between the ages of 12–18 has been bullied at some point while in school. Perhaps even more surprising is that over half of adolescents and teens have experienced cyberbullying or been bullied online.
Bullying, in whatever form, can have profound effects upon young children. Children who have been bullied often experience anxiety and depression, as well as increased feelings of sadness and loneliness. Along with this, children who have been bullied may also experience changes in eating and sleeping habits. Frequent headaches and stomach aches are also signs that a child may be bullied.
In regards to academics, those students who have experienced bullying often perform lower in reading, math, and science courses. Indeed, school aged children who have been bullied are more likely to skip school, with 160,000 of teens reporting to have skipped because of bullying.
Here are 7 ways that you can help protect your child from bullying, and prevent it from happening in the future.
1.Recognize the signs.
One way you can help prevent bullying is by recognizing what bullying looks like, and knowing what the signs are that your child might be bullied. These include: