Foster Care and Covid: 15 Ways to Fix Foster Care During the Covid Pandemic

Dr. John DeGarmo
11 min readDec 31, 2020

“As Covid continues to place challenge upon challenge to the foster care system, the system needs to be improved”

The Coronavirus continues to upend foster care and child welfare, leaving foster care agencies and foster parents across the nation trying to find not only answers, but resources and support.

Agencies recognize the difficulties that foster families are facing, and are working hard in finding solutions to help both the foster families and the children placed in the homes. Yet, the challenges persist. Indeed, many foster parents remain concerned, and confused, looking for answers and receiving little guidance. As Covid continues to place challenge upon challenge to the foster care system, the system needs to be improved, for all involved; the children and youth placed in the system, foster parents caring for the children, agencies and case workers, and the biological parents of the children, as well. Here are 15 ways to fix foster care during this time of Covid.

1.Understand how Covid Affects Foster Care

For many foster parents, the lack of supervision has been an especially challenging one. Many foster parents are employed full time, and work during the…



Dr. John DeGarmo

Leading foster care expert and international empowerment speaker